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Stainless Steel Wire Reference Standards

2024-07-07 11:52:26 wiremeshxr

1. Standard system
Stainless steel wire standards are mainly based on two major systems:
German, French and Russian system: its characteristic is that you can know the composition by looking at the grade. China's stainless steel representation method adopts the method of the former Soviet Union. Other countries belonging to this system include Italy, Spain, Poland, Romania, the European Union and India.
American, British and Japanese system: its characteristics are that the steel grade is concise, clear and easy to remember. You can know the organizational structure of the steel by looking at the grade. Other countries and regions belonging to this system include Canada, Brazil, Australia, South Africa, South Korea and Taiwan Province of China.
1.1 German, French and Russian standard system
1.1.1 Commonly used steel grades in the German, French and Russian standard system (Table 2)
Table 2 Commonly used steel grades in the German, French and Russian standard system



























1.1.2 The method of indicating Chinese steel grades
1Cr18Ni9: average nickel content 9%, average chromium content 18%, carbon percentage * 10 (i.e. 0.1%).
① The first number before the grade is 10 times the carbon percentage. If it is 0 C≤0.08% 00 C≤0.03%
② The number after the main element indicates the percentage of the element. If the element content is <1.5%, the number is not written. If it is greater than 1.5 and less than 2.5, write 2 after the element.
③ Trace elements such as Ti, Nb, Al, and N in the steel must be written out.
④ For free-cutting steel, add "Y" before the steel number.
⑤ Add "L" after the steel number to indicate cold drawing; add "Q" to indicate light drawing; add "R" to indicate soft state.
1.1.3 Element symbols of the German, French, and Russian standard systems (Table 3)
Table 3 Element symbols of the German, French, and Russian standard systems


Element SymbolsFranceRussiaElement SymbolsFranceRussia

1.1.4 Other Notes
German steel numbers with an X before them indicate high alloy steel.
French steel numbers with a Z before them indicate high alloy steel.
1.2 American, British and Japanese standard systems
1.2.1 Commonly used grades in the American, British and Japanese standard systems (Table 4)
Table 4 Commonly used grades in the American, British and Japanese standard systems

ChinaUSAJapanSouth KoreaTaiwan, Canada, Australia
0Cr18Ni9304(S30400)SUS 304STS 304304
0Cr17Ni12Mo2316(S31600)SUS 316STS 316316
Y1Cr13416(S41600)SUS 416STS 416416

1.2.2 AISI American Iron and Steel Institute Stainless Steel Designation Method
① Stainless steel grades consist of 3 digits: the first digit indicates the type of steel, and the second and third digits indicate the serial number of the steel.
2XX Chromium-manganese-nickel series austenitic steel
3XX Chromium-nickel series austenitic steel
4XX High chromium ferritic steel and martensitic steel
5XX Low chromium martensitic steel
6XX Precipitation hardening steel
② Later, AISI made unified regulations for metal and alloy grades:
SXXXXX Heat-resistant stainless steel
NXXXXX Nickel and nickel-based alloys
JXXXXX Various cast steels
S1XXXX Precipitation hardening steel S2XXXX Nickel-saving austenitic steel
S3XXXX Chromium-nickel austenitic steel
High chromium stainless steel
S5XXXX Heat-resistant steel
grades (UNS system) consist of 5 digits, the first three digits are consistent with the original grade, and the last two digits are used to distinguish grades with the same main components, different individual components or containing special elements.

1.2.3 Other Notes

Before Japanese brand: SUSD special purpose stainless steel
SUHD special purpose heat-resistant steel
SWD wire or steel wire
After Japanese brand:
DW: stainless steel wire
DWP: stainless steel wire for spring
DWS: stainless steel wire for cold heading
DY: stainless steel wire for welding wire
Before Korean brand: STSD special purpose stainless steel
STRD special purpose fire-resistant steel
2. Comparison of commonly used brands In
the domestic stainless steel market, due to the large-scale imports of products from Taiwan Province, South Korea and Japan, the southern market has been accustomed to purchasing stainless steel according to the US, UK and Japanese brands. To develop the market, you must be familiar with and master the US, UK and Japanese standard system brands.
2.1 Austenitic steel
301 1Cr17Ni7 used as spring
302 1Cr18Ni9 used as spring
302HQ 0Cr18Ni9Cu3 good cold heading performance
303 Y1Cr18Ni9 used for precision shaft
304 0Cr18Ni9 general steel grade
304M 0Cr18Ni9 Ni 9.0%-10.0% used for rivets
304H 0Cr18Ni9 C 0.05%-0.08% high strength
304N 0Cr18Ni9N improve strength
304HC 0Cr18Ni9Cu2 reduce magnetism, improve corrosion resistance, used as rivets
304L 00Cr18Ni10
305 1Cr18Ni12 non-magnetic
308 0Cr21Ni12 used for welding
309 0Cr24Ni13 used for welding
310 0Cr25Ni20 Heat resistant, corrosion resistant, stable use temperature 1100℃
314 0Cr25Ni20Si2 Heat resistant, corrosion resistant, stable use temperature 1150℃
316 0Cr17Ni12Mo2 Mo added, chloride ion corrosion resistance
316L 00Cr17Ni14Mo2 Hydrogen sulfide corrosion resistance
317 0Cr17Ni13Mo3 Body (human) fluid corrosion resistance, used as surgical implants
317L 00Cr19Ni13Mo3
321 0Cr18Ni11Ti Titanium stabilized carbon added
347 0Cr18Ni9Nb Niobium stabilized carbon added
384 0Cr16Ni18 Non-magnetic stainless steel
201 1Cr17Mn6Ni5N Precision shaft
202 1Cr18Mn8Ni5N Spirit shaft
204Cu 1Cr17Mn6Ni5Cu3N General stainless steel
205 2Cr17Mn15Ni2N High strength
3.2 Ferritic steel
is cheap, has good corrosion resistance, and good cold forging performance.
405 0Cr13 409 0Cr12Ti
410L 00Cr12 429 0Cr15
430 0Cr17 434 1Cr17Mo
430F Y1Cr17 Good processing finish, used for shafts.
3.3 Martensitic steel
for tool industry:
410 1Cr13
414 1Cr13Ni2
416 Y1Cr13
420J1 2Cr13
420J2 3Cr13
420F Y3Cr13
431 1Cr17Ni2 (2Cr16Ni2) Good nitric acid resistance Bearing industry production of measuring tools, cutting tools, rolling elements:
440A 7Cr17Mo 440B 8Cr17Mo
440C 9Cr18Mo (11Cr17Mo European and American steel grade composition)
2.4 Precipitation hardening steel
630 0Cr17Ni4Cu4Nb High strength steel
631 0Cr17Ni7Al Spring
632 0Cr15Ni7Mo2Al Spring
3. Stainless steel wire standards of various countries (regions)
3.1 American stainless steel wire standards
The United States is the country with the most complete varieties of stainless steel wires. There are nearly 100 different grades of austenite, ferrite and martensite in the 6 ASTM standards. Understanding American standards has certain inspiration for the formulation and use of Chinese standards.
ASTM A580N-95a Stainless steel wire
ASTM A313M-95 Stainless spring steel wire
ASTM A478-95a Chromium?D nickel stainless braided steel wire
ASTM A493-95 Stainless heat-resistant steel wire and wire rod for cold forging
ASTM A492-95 Stainless steel wire for rope
ASTM A581-95b Free-cutting stainless steel wire and wire rod
AWS A5.22-82 Chromium and chromium-nickel corrosion-resistant steel flux-cored welding wire
AWS A5.4-84 Chromium and chromium-nickel corrosion-resistant steel welding rod
3.2 Taiwan Province of China Stainless steel wire standard
CNS G3067-86 Stainless steel rod
CNS G3199-88 Heat-resistant steel rod
CNS G3077-86 Stainless steel wire rod
CNS G3076-86 Stainless steel wire
CNS G3189-87 Stainless steel wire for cold forging
CNS G3190-88 Stainless steel wire for welding
CNS G3161-86 Stainless steel wire for spring
3.3 Japanese stainless steel wire standard
JIS G4303-98 Stainless steel rod
JIS G4311-91 Heat-resistant steel rod
JIS G4309-94 Stainless steel wire
JIS G4314-94 Stainless steel wire for
spring JIS G4315-94 Stainless steel wire for cold forging
JIS T6103-94 Dental stainless steel wire
JIS Z3321-89 Stainless steel welding rod
JIS Z3321-85 Stainless steel welding rod and wire
JIS Z3324-88 Stainless steel coated welding rod and flux
3.4 Other countries and organizations Stainless steel wire standards
DIN 17224-84 (Germany)
BS 1554-1990 (UK)
P-Г 0CT18143-72 (former Soviet Union)
NF A35-577-90 (France)
UNI 6901-71 (Italy)
KS D3703-1992 (Korea)
SS 142332 (1991) (Sweden)
NS 14480 (84) (Norway)
IS 6528-72 (India)
CSA G110.3 (Canada)
EN 151 (1986) (EU)
ISO 6931-1-1994 (International Standardization)
4. Introduction to China's current standards
4.1 GB/T1220-92 Stainless steel rod
This is a basic standard, and the chemical composition of stainless steel wires all comply with this standard. Among them: Austenite (A) 33 steel grades Ferrite (F) 7 steel grades Martensite (M) 18 steel grades Dual-phase steel (A+F) 3 steel grades
Austenitic steel: It is a non-magnetic structure with good cold working performance. The corrosion resistance is better than 430 and other martensitic steels, and the heat resistance is good. Disadvantages: expensive, difficult to deform hot, and slightly poor intergranular corrosion and stress corrosion performance.
Most austenitic steels are composed of Cr-Ni, such as 304, 316, and 1Cr18Ni9Ti.
Ferrite appears in 18-8 steel when Ni<8%, and it becomes A+F dual-phase steel when the nickel content is low to a certain level. Ferrite is magnetic, and 100% austenite is non-magnetic. When the nickel content in 1Cr18Ni9Ti is 8%, the ferrite content is 5%-15%. In order to reduce the magnetism of steel, the nickel content in 304M is 9%-10%. The ferrite content is reduced to 2%-3%.
Ferritic steel: 430 (0Cr17) is a typical ferritic steel. It has good heat resistance, low price, and good cold working (cold forging) performance. At high temperatures, grain coarsening is irreversible, and the cold working performance of steel deteriorates if the heat treatment process is improper.
Martensitic steel: It can be quenched and tempered to improve strength and wear resistance. But the corrosion resistance is poor.
The standard provides some data on the mechanical properties of each steel grade, and the steel grade can be selected based on these data when using it.
Standard evolution process: YB1059 → GB1220-75 → GB1220-84 → GB/T1220-92
4.2 GB/T1221-92 heat-resistant steel bar
Martensitic valve steel 4Cr9Si2, 4Cr10Si2Mo, 8Cr20Si2Ni
Austenitic valve steel 5Cr21Mn9Ni4N (21-4N), 2Cr21Ni12N
Standard evolution process: YB11-59 → GB1221-75 → GB1221-84 → GB/T1221-92
4.3 GB/T4240-93 Stainless steel wire
4.3.1 Delivery in cold drawn state (L)
Austenitic: 316 (0Cr17Ni12Mo), 304 (0Cr18Ni9), 302 (1Cr18Ni9), 304N (0Cr19N)
This type of steel hardens quickly during cold working, has high strength, and slightly poor flexibility. It is used for structural parts, load-bearing frames, pins, shafts, etc. Martensitic steel is not delivered in cold drawn state.
4.3.2 Delivery in lightly drawn state (Q)
Austenitic steel, ferritic steel, and martensitic steel can all be delivered in lightly drawn state. They have good strength and toughness, and are neat in shape. They are used as raw materials for deep processing, and are used to produce flat and special-shaped wires, shaft wires, binding wires, meshes, rivets, nails, and frames.
4.3.3 Delivery in soft state (R)
Austenitic steel, ferritic steel, and martensitic steel can all be delivered in soft state. The soft finished steel wire has good plasticity, flexibility, and corrosion resistance. The disadvantage is that the strength is relatively low. The
ADD solid solution treatment F, M?D?D annealing delivery
polished stainless steel wire standard stipulates that the strength is allowed to fluctuate by 10%.
After straightening in the soft state, the strength increases by 8%-10%. After
straightening in the cold drawn state, the strength decreases, and the decrease is related to the area reduction rate. The greater the area reduction rate (high strength), the greater the decrease. The strength of light drawing does not change much.
Free-cutting steel wire: Delivered in soft or cold-drawn state, mainly used to make shafts for motor timers and household appliances. The shafts produced have good finish and dimensional accuracy.
Standard evolution process: YB252-64→YB252-79→GB4240→84→GB/T4240-93
4.4 GB/T4232-93 Cold forging stainless steel wire
NL1Cr18Ni9Ti and ML1Cr17Ni2 are old steel grades, mainly used by military units. 304M, 304HC (largest usage), 302HQ (for hexagon socket) are new steel grades, widely used by southern standard parts factories. 316 is used to make rivets with good corrosion resistance. 305 is used to make non-magnetic rivets.
When ML1Cr18Ni9Ti requires resistance to intergranular corrosion, the chemical composition Ti/C should be controlled to be ≥5.5. The production of this steel wire is difficult, mainly due to pitting, inconsistent intergranular corrosion, and unstable size.
The disadvantage of ML1Cr17Ni2 is that the surface is prone to cracks.
New steel grades: 304HC (0Cr18Ni9Cu2), 302HQ (ML0Cr18Ni9Cu3)
304M → 304HC → 302HQ → 305 → 384
weak magnetic → weak magnetic → non-magnetic → non-magnetic → absolutely non-magnetic
Price: low → high Cold processing performance: poor → good
Standard evolution process: GB4232-84 → GB/T4232-93
4.5 GJB 3320-98 and YB (T) 11-83 stainless spring steel wire
4.5.1 GJB 3320-98 0Cr17Ni7Al Group A is equivalent to the US military standard MIL-W-4460788. Group B is formulated with reference to DIN 17224. Group A is Φ2.0-3.0mm high strength, and Group B is Φ0.2-7.0mm low strength.
4.5.2 1Cr18Ni9 equivalent to BS-S205 British aviation standard
4.5.3 YB (T) 11-83 Spring stainless steel wire is equivalent to JIS 314, which has different chemical composition from the national military standard. For example, the national military standard requires the use of electroslag remelting method to smelt, and strictly controls the C, P, and S elements in the steel, while YB (T) 11-83 can use electric furnace steel, and the nickel and chromium content in the steel can be slightly higher.
GJB714-89 was formulated when Dalian Steel Plant and the Ministry of Ordnance Industry jointly developed stainless steel wire, and can be replaced by GJB3320-98.
4.6 YB/5091-93 and YB/T5092-96 Stainless Steel Welding Wire
YB/5091-93 and YB/T5092-96 are formulated on the basis of GB 1300-77 with reference to JIS Z3321 and JIS Z3221. YB/5091-93 "Stainless steel bars and wires for inert gas shielded welding" (formerly GB 4233-84) includes 11 A, 1 F, and 1 M. The specifications of the steel bars are Φ1.0-5.0mm, and the specifications of the steel wires are Φ0.8-2.4mm. It is a standard with a strong sense of advancement.
YB/T5092-96 "Stainless steel wire for welding" was formulated by combining the actual use in China with the international general situation. The standard includes 16 A, 2 F, and 3 M.
Standard evolution process: YB 199-63→GB 1300-77→GB 4242-84→YB/T5092-93→YB/T5092-96.
Regarding stainless welding wire, from the perspective of domestic and foreign standards, there is a large gap between China's product standards and production methods and those of foreign countries. Foreign product standards generally stipulate that welding wires must undergo weldability tests, weld mechanical properties and corrosion resistance tests. There are no such requirements in China's welding wire standards. Foreign welding wires are mostly supplied as finished products. Welding wire manufacturers also produce various fluxes and engage in welding process research. While supplying welding rods, they also provide users with reasonable welding processes. China's welding wire production, welding rod production and welding process research are three independent systems. There is no stable coordination mechanism among the three, which is very unfavorable to the advancement of welding technology.
4.7 Other standards
YB/T096-1997 High carbon chromium stainless steel wire: including 440A, 440B, 440C, 9Cr18 and 9Cr18Mo five high carbon chromium martensitic steels, annealed state delivery σb630-830MPa.
YB/T5219-93 Medical suture needle wire: steel grade 3Cr13, 4Cr13, actual use size Φ0.22-2.05mm, heat treatment delivery σb490-685MPa, light drawing delivery σb≤885MPa.
Standard evolution process: YB 549-65→GB 10563-89→YB/T5219-93.
YB/T5183-93 Special-shaped steel wire for automobile body accessories: 1Cr18Ni9 arched steel wire for wipers, cold drawn σb1080-1275MPa.
Standard evolution process: GB8708-88 → YB/T5183-93.
GB/T4234-94 Stainless steel for surgical implants: including rods, wires, plates and strips, a total of 3 steel grades (00Cr18Ni13Mo3, 00Cr18Ni14Mo3, 00Cr18Ni15Mo3N), test microstructure, hardness, inclusions, corrosion resistance.
Standard evolution process: GB 4234-84 → GB/T4234-94.
GB/T9944-88 Stainless steel wire rope: test the breaking force of the whole rope, the steel wire grade and tensile strength are agreed by both parties.
YB/T5250-93 Non-magnetic Stainless Steel 0Cr16Ni14 for Vacuum Devices includes hot-rolled bars and flats, cold-rolled strips and wires. Wires are delivered in hard or soft states. The specification range is Φ0.1-18.0mm. The main assessment is the magnetic coefficient μ100, μ200 ≤ 1.005Gs/Oe, and the remanence Br1000 ≤ 0.15Gs.
Standard evolution process: GBn189-82 → YB/5250-93
5. Some opinions
(1) The stainless steel wire system based on two stainless steel bar (wire rod) standards and four stainless steel wire standards has been successfully constructed, but the contents of the six standards need to be coordinated and updated to adapt to the current domestic production and use situation and to meet the world trend.
① Wire rod standard: the size range, deviation, unit weight, delivery status, brand and other items should be adjusted according to the actual domestic production.
② Stainless steel wire (GB/T4240): the delivery status items can be increased to include matte, bright, polished, nickel-plated and other states. 304 should be refined and the 200 series brands should be introduced.
③ Cold top steel wire: add domestic common brands 304M, 304HC, 429, 434, etc., and the magnetic properties and different levels of cold top performance should be listed as assessment indicators.
④ Spring: serialization should be achieved and the smelting methods should be diversified. Add the 200 series brands.
⑤ Welding wire: steam-shielded welding wire is delivered on a standard spool, and the welding rod is consistent with GB/T9803-1995. Add welding performance testing and provide reference materials such as welding process.
(2) According to the development level of stainless steel wire production and use in China, some professional standards should be formulated in a timely manner, such as: screen mesh, stainless steel wire for textiles, precision shafts, stainless steel wire for rolling elements, stainless steel filaments, free-cutting stainless steel wire, stainless steel wire for medical devices, to guide the use of stainless steel wire in the right direction.


GBChinese National StandardMILUS Military Technical StandardsSSSwedish national standard
GB/TNational recommended standardsAISIAmerican Iron and Steel Institute StandardsNSNorwegian national standard
JBNational Military StandardsDINGerman Industrial StandardISIndian Standards
YB/TRecommended standards for the metallurgical industryBSBritish National StandardsCSACanadian Standards
CNSTaiwan StandardP-G0CTRussian national standardENEuropean Organization for Standardization Standards
JISJapanese Industrial StandardsNFFrench national standardISOISO Standards
ASTMASTM StandardsUNIItalian national standard

AWSAmerican Welding Society StandardsKSKorean Standard

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