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Introduction to Chinese Nickel-Based Alloy Wire Mesh Brands and Characteristics

2024-07-26 15:01:36 wiremeshxr

Introduction to Chinese Nickel-Based Alloy Wire Mesh Brands and Characteristics

The so-called nickel-based alloy refers to an alloy based on nickel with other metals added, such as tungsten, cobalt, titanium, iron and other metals. There are many types of nickel-based alloys according to different classification methods. Nickel-based alloys can be divided into iron-based high-temperature alloys, nickel-based high-temperature alloys and cobalt-based high-temperature alloys according to the matrix. Among them, the nickel-based high-temperature alloy can also be referred to as nickel-based alloys. In addition, nickel-based alloys can also be divided into nickel-based heat-resistant alloys, nickel-based corrosion-resistant alloys, nickel-based wear-resistant alloys, nickel-based precision alloys and nickel-based shape memory alloys according to their main properties.
Materials of nickel-based alloys: 
1. Incoloy alloy, such as Incoloy800, the main components are; 32Ni-21Cr-Ti,Al; it is a heat-resistant alloy; 
2. Inconel alloy, such as Inconel600, the main components are; 73Ni-15Cr-Ti,Al; it is a heat-resistant alloy; 
3. Hastelloy alloy, such as Hastelloy C-276, the main components are; 56Ni-16Cr-16Mo-4W; it is a corrosion-resistant alloy; 
4. Monel alloy, such as Monel 400, the main components are; 65Ni-34Cu; it is a corrosion-resistant alloy. 
Nickel-based alloy grades and nickel-based high-temperature alloy grades: Chinese grades: solid solution strengthened nickel-based high-temperature alloy GH3007 (GH5K); GH3030 (GH30); GH3039 (GH39); GH3044 (GH44); GH3128 (GH128); GH3170 (GH170); GH3536 (GH536); GH3600 (GH600); GH3625 (GH625); GH3652 (GH652). 
Chinese brand: 
GH3007 (GH5K); GH3030 (GH30); GH3039 (GH39); GH3044 (GH44); GH3128 (GH128); GH3170 (GH170); GH3536 (GH536); GH3600 (GH600); GH3625 (GH625); GH3652 (GH652);
GH4033(GH33); GH4037(GH37); GH4049(GH49); GH4080A(GH80A); GH4090(GH90); GH4093(GH93); GH4098(GH98); GH4099(GH99); GH4105(GH105); GH4133(GH33A); GH4133B; GH4141 (GH141); GH4145 (GH145); GH4163 (GH163); GH4169 (GH169); GH4199 (GH199); GH4202 (GH202); GH4220 (GH220); GH4413 (GH413); GH4500 (GH500); GH4586 (GH586); GH4648 (GH648); GH4698 (GH698); GH4708 (GH708); GH4710 (GH710); GH4738 (GH738; GH684); GH4742 (GH742);
Nickel-copper (Ni-Cu) alloy, also known as monel Alloy (Monel alloy Ni 70 Cu30); In addition, there are nickel-chromium (Ni-Cr) alloy (nickel-based heat-resistant alloy, heat-resistant corrosion-resistant alloy in corrosion-resistant alloy), nickel-molybdenum (Ni-Mo) alloy (mainly Hastelloy B series), nickel-chromium-molybdenum (Ni-Cr-Mo) alloy (mainly Hastelloy C series), etc. At the same time, pure nickel is also a typical representative of nickel-based corrosion-resistant alloys. Nickel-based corrosion-resistant alloys are mainly used to manufacture various corrosion-resistant parts in petroleum, chemical, electric power and other industries.
Nickel-based corrosion-resistant alloys mostly have austenite structures. In the state of solid solution and aging treatment, there are intermetallic phases and metal carbonitrides in the austenite matrix and grain boundaries of the alloy. The various corrosion-resistant alloys are classified by composition and their characteristics are as follows:
Ni-Cu alloy Its corrosion resistance is better than nickel in reducing media, and better than copper in oxidizing media. It is the best resistant to high temperature fluorine gas, hydrogen fluoride and hydrofluoric acid in the absence of oxygen and oxidants. Materials (see Metal Corrosion).
Ni-Cr alloy is also known as nickel-based heat-resistant alloy; it is mainly used under oxidizing medium conditions. It is resistant to high-temperature oxidation and corrosion by gases containing sulfur, vanadium, etc., and its corrosion resistance increases with the increase of chromium content. This type of alloy also has good resistance to hydroxide corrosion (such as NaOH, KOH) and stress corrosion.
Ni-Mo alloy is mainly used under conditions of reducing medium corrosion. It is the best alloy resistant to hydrochloric acid corrosion, but its corrosion resistance will decrease significantly in the presence of oxygen and oxidants.
Ni-Cr-Mo (W) alloy has the properties of the above-mentioned Ni-Cr alloy and Ni-Mo alloy. It is mainly used under oxidation-reduction mixed medium conditions. This type of alloy has good corrosion resistance in high-temperature hydrogen fluoride gas, in hydrochloric acid and hydrofluoric acid solutions containing oxygen and oxidants, and in wet chlorine gas at room temperature.
Ni-Cr-Mo-Cu alloy has the ability to resist both nitric acid and sulfuric acid corrosion, and also has good corrosion resistance in some oxidation-reduction mixed acids.
Nickel-based alloys are used in many fields, such as:
1. Ocean: marine structures in marine environment, seawater desalination, seawater aquaculture, seawater heat exchange, etc.
2. Environmental protection: flue gas desulfurization devices for thermal power generation, wastewater treatment, etc.
3. Energy: atomic power generation, comprehensive utilization of coal, tidal power generation, etc.
4. Petrochemical: oil refining, chemical and chemical equipment, etc.
5. Food: salt making, soy sauce brewing, etc. 

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